Announcement: The Cupcake Bar Gears Up For SXSW!!

Announcement: The Cupcake Bar Gears Up For SXSW!!

Hey Cupcake Fans! Are you as excited about SXSW as The Cupcake Bar?? It sounds like SXSW is getting back to basics this year (What? No Doritos stage this year??). The Cupcake Bar is an Austin owned and operated company! Go local by having us out to serve up delicious cupcakes to hungry SXSW festival goers!

Is the interactive conference your thing? What could be more interactive than The Cupcake Bar? Guests get to choose their cake flavor, fillings, icings, and pick from boatloads of toppings!

We’re guessing you’re gearing up for all the awesome movies showing at SXSW. So are we. The Cupcake Bar offers lots of your favorite movie theater candy as toppings, all delivered to your mouth via the cupcake train. Whoot whoot!

Maybe the music conference is more your scene? Sweet, savory, delightful cupcakes sound like music to OUR ears! SXSW tune hounds need a Cupcake Bar sugar bump to get through the week!

Perhaps you’re one of those people who likes to skip town when the SXSW festival is going on… Great news! The Cupcake Bar loves to travel outside of Austin for a ridiculously reasonable fee!

So, it seems to us that you have no excuse when it comes to your SXSW cup-caking needs!

Visit us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and be sure to check out our website! Book us for SXSW!! We’re sure to delight!


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