Giving Back: Cupcake Style!

Giving Back: Cupcake Style!

#PimpinJoy is a movement as described on the hit radio show “Bobby Bones”. It’s a celebration dedicated to people anywhere and everywhere who may be going through a rough time in their life, but they choose to find and spread joy.

Here at The Cupcake Bar, some of our core values touch on this very same message:

Community – Caring / Giving Back

Helping People – Service

This month, we wanted to focus on finding ways our team could give back to the community through time and by spreading joy. So we put our cupcake brainstorming hats on to try and come up with the best ways everyone on our team could participate and most importantly – could bring a little joy and sweetness to the people (and animals) who need it most.

Firefighters and first responders. After carefully mapping our ways to stop by each fire station, our cupcakes were delightedly accepted by those who dedicate their lives to saving ours. Helping these first responders feel valued (and fed!) is all we wanted to do, and they couldn’t had been happier.  We were able to drop off to about 10+ stations around the Austin area!



Pay it forward. Here, we hit straight into #PimpinJoy at its roots by generously doing a random act of kindness to anyone at anytime. Some of us bought a stranger coffee, offered to wash their neighbor’s car, or passed out sack lunches to the homeless people. A little bit can go a long way and all we asked for in return, was to pay it forward to someone else in need.


Puppylove. Want to know what the hardest thing about volunteering at the Austin Animal Center was? – Not being able to squeeze every pup and kitty in our cars to take them home with us! However, what we found out, was even just a 20 minute walk with some one-on-one playtime can make ALL THE DIFFERENCE in these animals lives. The goal is get every pup social able, well behaved, and healthy in order for them to be adoptable-ready for families or anyone looking for a furry friend. These sweet pups were all so kind and YES, we are making arrangements to go back because who can turn down these sweet sweet faces.


Giving back has always been something The Cupcake Bar focuses on and tries to practice all year long. What will YOU do to help make your community one to proudly live in? #Pimp a little joy in someone’s life today! You never know who might need it.

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