Horoscopes are sooo last year. Just kidding, but this will give you something to blame your midweek freak out on when Mercury isn't in retrograde.
The Enneagram of Personality Types. What’s that? Well, there’s a test (that's the quick sample version) you can take based around a system of nine personality types combining traditional wisdom with modern psychology to help us understand ourselves and the people in our lives. Do we sound smart yet?
We decided to have a little fun with it by doing our best to match each personality type with a cupcake. Fair warning: it’s perfectly normal to be unusually attached to which cupcake you are. We can’t explain it either.
And if you just want to learn about your personality instead of which sugar snack you may or may not be, here is a description of each type. The more ya know!
At the end of the day we are all sweet treats. And if you’re like us and this just made you crave cupcakes, CLICK HERE and get a quote today!